Describe the process used in completing the task:
1. Find some steels metal, then file edge to cut sharp. Make a tool box bottom and body, 400mm(Length) × 592mm(Width), fold the bottom to: 197mm(High), 198mm(Width of bottom) and 197mm(High).

2. Make two tool box end, 197mm(High), 192mm(Width), leave same degree of two sides. then use hacksaw to cut rubbish metal and fold two box end.

3. Make a tool box lid lower. 433mm(Length), 120mm(Width), use hacksaw to cut rubbish metal and fold: 14mm(four edges width).
4. Make a tool box lid upper. 433mm(Length), 132mm(Width), use hacksaw to cut rubbish metal and fold: 14mm(four edges width).

Work in date: 01/10/2012
5. Make a tool tray. 392mm(Length), 184mm(Width). use hacksaw to cut rubbish metal and fold: 30mm(four edges width).

6. Make a handle for tool box.
7. MIG Welding to connect all leaking of metal.
8. Engineering oil protect surface to avoid rust.

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