Sunday 2 September 2012

Workshop Tools

1. What is the name of the hammer most commonly used in Automotive engineering?

The most common hammer in an automotive workshop is the ball pein or engineer's hammer. The soft-face & deadblow hammers are also used.

2. What would you typically use one for?

The ball pein hammer is also used for hitting chisels and punches, but sometimes you need just to tap a component, to position it. A steel hammer might mark or damage it, especially if it's made of a softer metal like aluminum. In such cases a soft-face hammer should normally be used for the job. Some are very soft with rubber or plastic heads through to those using brass or copper. 

3. Why would you use a soft faced hammer?

Soft material made to protect surface of components or parts by damaged hit. 

4. What type of hammer would you use to give a really strong blow to a chisel?

When a large chisel needs a really strong blow, it's time to use the lump hammer.

5. What would you use a mallet for in Automotive Engineering?

It's a special purpose tool, and is often used for moving things into place where it is important not to damage the item being moved.

6. When would you use a dead blow hammer?

In auto repair they are commonly used for chassis work, dislodging stuck parts and sometimes used for hubcap installation and removal (e.g. knock-off hubs). They can be used to pop out small dents as well.

7. What can cause a hacksaw blade to clog?

The hacksaw is not be of right pitch, or number of teeth in an inch of blade. If a blade cutting through a thick section of metal has too many teeth, in other words the pitch is too fine, they can clog up and stop cutting.

8. What can happen if the blade is too coarse for the job it is intended for?

If the blade is too coarse the saw teeth could be stripped off of the blade at it try's to cut.

9. What should you do before and after using a hacksaw?

Before using a hacksaw should be determine the correct blade (and number of teeth) by laying the blade across the section being cut. Normally, at least 3 teeth should touch the metal at that point. This will ensure that the blade can do its job. After the job is done, the tension on the blade should be loosened, to prevent the frame from distorting over time.

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